Tuesday, May 8


Well, the time is drawing near. The time to say goodbye and close this chapter of my life. It is nothing but contradictions. I cannot wait to get married. I will miss living in 1E. I can't wait to serve in a church. I wish I could stay with this Cru body forever. I can't wait to have a job I'm good at. I am hesitant to try my hand at something besides school. All these contradictions. Just like the word "bittersweet".
And this season certainly is.

I've decided to look back at the year and share some of my favorite memories in a series of blogs. I am enabling comments on these posts so that we can reminisce together :o)

The Breakaway girls came to visit PG. We made them do ridiculous things :o)

Red, Fisch and Squints do D.C. (and some illegal things in the process).

1E is narcississtic.

When Joel joined the band. :o)

Krista turns 21!

My halloween masterpiece and Harvest partying.


Finger jousting battle cry!

Team girl squad LC weekend - one of the best weekends ever.

Cyril really wanted to be Mary Poppins.

Project Runway. (click to experience)

Getting engaged over Thanksgiving. That was a good one. :o)

Mmm. Sweet memories. Please reminisce with me via comments. More to come!


Jenn said...

Drea. My heart beat faster looking through those pictures and remembering the year. As cheezy as it sounds, the memories made this year will make the coming years better, and they have made life better. thanks for blogging. thanks for being.

Randi said...

hi drea.

this year has held some of my best memories...ever. i've learned alot from the girls of 1E. i'm gonna miss it. i will forever look fondly on my sophmore year. thanks for the memories.